Tuesday, May 25

Ill Bill

Watched Kill Bill, both Volume 1 and 2, yesterday and was amazed and shocked. I was amazed and shocked by how mediocre they are. After all the favourable reviews and opinions, it fell short of expectations. Let's dissect these supposedly B-movies.

Most important component of all, at least for me, is story. There is minimal content storywise. Unengaging plots. Bare and thin character developments. A member of an assasination group wanted to write a clean new page in her life. The group prevented this by killing everyone on the wedding day. The girl survived and sought revenge. They were supposedly elite but didn't know she was still alive? The clues were all over the scene yet the authorities couldn't even get a swiff who did it. Not to mention the name, the lame Deadly Viper Assassination Squad (or some such, too lame to bother remembering). They didn't kill her outright after knowing she survived, even let her hone her skills.

The story (the sorry excuse of what it was) was there merely to provide a convinient means for the fights.

The fights itself, the coreography. One lone protagonist butchering dozens and dozens of enemy easily barely breaking sweat and no scratch. Those were highly trained 'soldiers' yet fell like flies. Uma Thurman couldn't even hold the katana correctly. Go figure.

Special effects, what special effect?

Next. Musics. Nothing impressive here either.

What was I left with? Similar to what Lucy Liu said: Westerners playing with katana (it's katana not samurai sword!) trying to imitate Wu Xia films but failed misserably.

People must be so desperate to watch 'kungfu flicks' that they will settle for anything.

Art movie? Don't make me laugh.

No wonder hollywood can get away with anything.

Saturday, May 22

New Layout

Changed the layout. Getting tired with the standard. Why so many templates limit the width to 700 pixels or so? What's the point of having 19", 21" or even 17" monitors with 1024x768, 1280x1024 resolution. Some even go as far as only 500 pixels wide. Sheessh.

More is better I say. That's freedom. That's efficient. The courage to express fully to the limit and more. :D LOL Sounds good yeah?

Credit where credit is due. I didn't design this template, Minz Meyer did. Modified and used with permission, of course. Thanks Minz.

Tested it on Mozilla Firefox 0.8 and Internet Explorer 6.0, hopefully won't break on others.

Wednesday, May 19

Another Day in Acong Land

Just finished watching Last Exile. Soo good. :D

Argghhh my mouse is quickly deteriorating because of Yahoo Games Graffiti

Now I'm confused with my Realms project. Maybe I should make a simpler game afterall. Problem with PHP: can't make an active application.

Congratulations to Monica ;)

Tuesday, May 18


Alright I've decided to start making that game project. ;)

It would be RPG (typical :D). Not so sure in what theme: wu xia, fantasy, modern or post-apocalyptic.

Need much help with graphics. :(

Hey, I've come up with the name: Realms. Yeah well never said I'm good with naming things.

Now if only I can spare time to actually do it ....

Saturday, May 15

Happy Shopping

Oho after a long time not watching any anime, I bought myself Last Exile and The Beautiful World (a.k.a. Kino's Journey).

They were impulse buy. I was looking for Saber Marionette J to X but couldn't find it.

The graphics looks good, from the first few seconds. Haven't watched any of them (more than a few seconds)though. I want to finish Steven Erikson's Midnight Tides first.

Tuesday, May 11


I got 60 megabytes of webspace from my ISP complete with PHP, CGI, and MySQL. Am I going to waste it? Of course not. :D

Now what I should use it for? Yet another weblog? Tempting but nahhh. Photo gallery? Hmm whose pictures would I put there, skipped. Bulletin board? For what, nope.

What to do oh what to do.

Hmm maybe some online game. Yeah sounds fun. I love games weeeeee. :p

Monday, May 10

New Home

Well well well. This new blogger is nice. :D

I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to use this space for. Boring comments about PHP perhaps? Or css tinkering. Quips and blurbs at the spur of the moment mayhaps.

Wowww sooo exciting ... not.

Heyyy where's the smilies?