Saturday, June 26

The Most Annoying Ad

Most people dismiss evil, dark lord, Sauron, the dark one, or whatever else it may be called in different places as fictional and non-existent. Believe me when I tell you it exists! Evil walks among us and takes many shapes. Using various means and enticements to lure the unawares to the dark side. It has but one single purpose: to drive into our heart extreme unhappiness and despair.

Such as this ill-disposed and most aggravating but unrelenting brutal assault to our sanity: The University of Phoenix Online Course. The high-volume noisy annoying sound! And there is no stop or mute button either. Here's an example of evil at work. It's the Phoenix (read as: pain-in-the-necks) ad at the top of the page (for a painful experience, hover your mouse on it). Created using Macromedia Flash for the sole purpose of bringing the innocents into the world of madness. It's loud and tasteless. In a word, annyoing.

Congratulations, University of Phoenix, you are the winner of The Most Annoying Internet Advertising Award. Warning: entry restricted to the creative genius behind that ad. Enjoy your well deserved award.


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